How to Create an Effective Author Website


Getting your name out there as an author can be a challenge. Although the process is much easier with the rise of self-publishing, you still need to prove your mettle. A good way to do this is to create an author website. You will also need to collect some emails, so that you can build a mailing list. Once you have a decent mailing list, you can use Mailerlite to create professional looking newsletters.

An author’s website is an opportunity to present yourself in the best light. It is also a place to announce new posts and to drive traffic back to new articles. The more often you update your website, the more reason your fans will have to follow you.

The author of a successful book has to be well researched. He or she must know the topic inside out. The best authors know the most effective ways to describe their topic. They use visual, tactile, and audio elements to get their point across. They are creative, original, and innovative.

An author’s website is also a great place to showcase your wares. You can display your author photos and social media feeds, and provide links to your books and other related sites. You can also list your upcoming author events.

In addition to providing relevant information, an author’s website should include the following: a biographical note. It is not always easy to get an author to divulge personal details, but it is a good idea. The bio is usually short, but you could put a lengthy one on your home page. A bio that contains all the important info is a good idea.

The author’s website should also include a menu button and a contact form that hides your email address. You don’t want to have to scroll down the page to get to your contact info. This will ensure that spammers aren’t able to harvest your email address.

While the author’s website is not the only way to promote your wares, it is the only place where you have complete control. An author’s website should be an engaging experience, and readers should be encouraged to contact the author. The author should also consider adding a blog to his or her site at least once a week. You may also wish to create a mailing list to announce news about your books. This can be done via an email signup form.

The author’s website should also be a launching pad for your next book. It is a great way to promote your latest work, and readers who have read your previous work will likely want to know what’s in store for the next book. The author’s website is a great place to launch your next book, and you can do it in a few short steps.

The author’s website should be the center of your online presence, so make it a place where you can do your best work. The more you can promote your books, the better off you will be.
