What Is Art?


Art is a form of human communication. It can communicate ideas or emotions, and it can also be used to provoke discussion about social issues. Art can even change people’s perception of the world. It has been important throughout history and has been a source of power, controversy and even violence.

What makes art unique from other forms of human expression is its ability to transcend language. Because of this, it can be understood by people from different cultures and backgrounds. It has the potential to break down barriers of race, gender, economic status and political ideology. It can also be a form of therapy. Studies have shown that creating art is good for your mental health and can increase intelligence.

There are many ways to define art, but the basic definition is “an expression of human creativity.” This can include painting, drawing, sculpture and architecture. Other forms of expression include literature, music and dance. Often, these forms of art are combined to create a complete work.

The purpose of art is complex and has changed throughout history. It can be to inspire change, as in political or spiritually motivated art; to express the artist’s feelings and emotions; to convey a message; to explore the nature of reality; or simply for enjoyment. Art can also be used as a vehicle to challenge beliefs and assumptions, such as the satirical works of the French cartoonist Jacques Tati.

Art can also be used as a tool for learning and education. It can teach a subject, such as history or science, and provide a framework for understanding complex concepts. It can also be a means to develop interpersonal relationships, such as in the art of calligraphy or music.

Another function of art is to communicate the artists’ skills and craftsmanship. This is done through the choices made in materials, style and technique. For example, the choice to use a specific paint, whether tempera, acrylic, or oil; the size of the canvas; the shape and depth of the work; the application of texture, light and color; and the arrangement of lines and shapes all contribute to the expressive qualities of a piece. These decisions are often informed by the historical context of the artwork and the cultural values reflected in it. In addition, the artists’ skill, training and experience play a role in the work’s quality.
