What is an Author?


An author is the creator of a written work. The term comes from the Latin word auctorem, which means founder. They can be one person or a team of people. Typically, the author is a professional writer.

In academia, an author is an individual or group who has a responsibility for the research and publication of a particular piece of work. This person or group has the ability to produce an original work in any genre. Their work can be sold to a book publisher or advertising agency.

Most authors have a formal academic education. About half of them attended college, but more than a quarter received a master’s degree. These are known as lead authors or senior authors. Many authors earn a bachelor’s degree in business or English. However, some writers earn a master’s in psychology or a related field.

Authors write books, blog posts, scholarly research articles, and more. They are also known to be innovative, creative, and sensitive. As a result, they have the skill to create unique stories.

While there are many different types of authors, there are two main categories: fiction authors and nonfiction authors. Fiction writers entertain their audience with short stories, novels, and dramas. Nonfiction authors focus more on factual prose texts like novels and memoirs.

An author’s website is their primary online presence. This is a great opportunity to brand themselves and tell their story. The site should be a complete representation of the author’s personality and style. It should contain relevant keywords and include photos of the author. A good way to make your website stand out is to add social media feeds and links to your latest posts. Make sure to include a menu button for easy navigation.

A biographical note is a must have on an author’s website. Include the best bio you can find. You can use a biographical note as an introductory page, or as an extra page to your book’s main page. Remember to keep the bio no more than a couple hundred words. If the bio is too long, you can link to a shorter version.

Another nifty item to include on your site is a mailing list. Use MailChimp or Constant Contact. Both services allow you to create a form and have it sent to an email list. Email lists are a great way to keep your readers informed about your new books, blog posts, and other information.

One thing you should be aware of is the fact that many websites and blogs are harvested for spam. Don’t ask for too much information, especially your email address. You can ask for permission to post the author’s biography on your website. That way, no one will be able to harvest your email address.

For a truly impressive author website, consider using a few of these suggestions to get started. Using the right keywords and incorporating a mailing list will help you to build your audience.
