The Difference Between Author and Writer

The word author is a noun that refers to a person who creates and writes books, articles, and other documents. The noun comes from the Latin word auctorem, which means “founder, master, leader.” Authors are generally considered to be professional writers who have taken the time and effort to write and publish their work for public consumption. Authors can write in any form of written communication, from scholarly articles to short stories to full-length novels. In terms of writing, the difference between author and writer is that authors typically spend a great deal of time researching and generating the ideas behind their works while writers are more focused on the execution of the finished product.

The difference between author and writer may seem minor, but it can have a major impact on the way that one views the creative process. Authors tend to be viewed as professionals who have spent the time and effort to dedicate their careers to their craft, while writers are simply people who have chosen to take up writing for a living.

While the definition of author may vary, Merriam-Webster defines the term as “a distinguished and professional writer.” An author can write in any type of written form, from fiction to nonfiction, and is someone who has committed to their craft for a significant amount of time.

Michel Foucault, the French philosopher, is credited with challenging traditional notions of authorship in his 1969 lecture on the topic, “What Is an Author?”. In his essay, Foucault argues that the modern concept of an individual author with a fixed identity is a recent development resulting from the rise of capitalist societies and strict copyright laws. Prior to the nineteenth century, texts were more commonly seen as communal creations that served as a vehicle for transmitting or compiling existing knowledge.

To determine an article’s author, look for their name in the byline or credits section. Also, consider the author’s credentials and areas of expertise. If the work is a book, look for a preface or foreword section toward the beginning or end of the publication that gives information on the author’s background and influences. For a scholarly or academic journal, an online database may be available to search for the author’s previous publications.

If the author is not identified, try searching for a contact address in the “About the Author” section of the work. Often, authors are willing to provide further clarification on their work and will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Authorship abuse is a serious issue that can have legal implications for journals and individuals. Journals should be aware of the signs of authorship abuse and take proactive measures to prevent it. These steps can range from spreading awareness to imposing disciplinary action on the authors responsible for such abuse. In some cases, this can even include the publisher withdrawing the paper or blacklisting them [1].
