What Is an Author?

An author is a person who creates a literary composition. It may be fiction or nonfiction. The word is also a noun and a verb. People who write articles, blogs, or books are often called authors, but a writer can also include people who work in the fields of journalism and ghostwriting. To be an author, a person must be the originator of the content, plot, or concept that is being written about. The term is also used to describe someone who has been published, either as an author or as a ghostwriter.

The term is derived from the Latin noun auctor, which means “bearer of an authority”. It originally referred to a person who had a legal right, such as the owner of a copyright or patent. It later came to mean the creator of something, such as a piece of literature or a scientific thesis. In the modern sense, it is most often used to refer to the writer of a book.

Many authors are professional writers who have specialized in writing specific genres of fiction or nonfiction at any length, from short stories to full-length books. They tend to have a better understanding of the research and publishing process, and their work often has more substance than that of a journalist or freelance writer. In order to succeed as an author, they must dedicate themselves to their craft and devote significant time to creating and writing their works.

As the popularity of the internet has increased, so too has the number of people who have decided to make a career out of writing. It is now possible to write and publish a book without ever interacting with the traditional publishing industry. Many people choose to become authors in order to share their message with the world, while others do so for financial or personal reasons.

A well-written author bio is essential for any book, regardless of the subject matter or genre. It should highlight a writer’s credentials in the field, including professional degrees and nutrition training or accomplishments. It should also include a list of past writing projects and a brief biographical sketch. This information can be used to promote a book and help potential readers decide whether or not it is the right book for them.

The phrase “authorize” is a shortened version of the original idiom, “authorize to act.” It was first recorded in the mid-16th century and became more common in the 17th century. It is generally regarded as acceptable, though it has been criticized for being pretentious. Despite this, it is still in use in some areas. Merriam-Webster and the Oxford English Dictionary both list it as an acceptable synonym for the more formal and traditional phrasing, “to authorize.” However, usage of the phrase has been steadily declining since 1964. The Usage Panel at the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language has tended to sympathize with this view.
