Types of Art Painting

Painting, the term of individual artistic impressions, with the invention of some special aesthetic qualities, on a two-dimensional plane. The main elements of the art, its colours, hues, lines, tones, and spaces are employed in many ways to bring sensations of space, volume, texture, and light to a flat surface. The painting forms of pre-established styles are known as classic and popular art. They are the outcome of professional efforts and are subject to constant modifications. There is a vast selection of modern art forms which include abstract art, impressionism, cubism and Dadaism.

An important role has been played by the concept of painting since ancient times. It has been used to create a variety of effects on the subjects of the painted objects. The word ‘painting’ is derived from the Latin phrase ‘paintings’, which means ‘to paint’.

Painting is the process of applying paint on a support or surface with the intention of creating an impression of the depicted thing on the support. There are many different techniques of painting, including the ‘dry-brushing’ technique, ‘drip painting’ and ‘brush painting’. Dry-brushing is the most common method of painting in which paint is applied by a brush to the support without the help of any mediums. The application of paint on canvas and wood involves a number of processes, including priming, toning, washing, ragging and blending.

Two-dimensional (interior) painting is very common in the Western world. Two-dimensional Western painting usually displays scenes from nature, such as mountains, lakes, trees, and flowers, or urban scenes, such as buildings, faces, or landscapes. It usually employs lighter colours on the flat side of the canvas and darker ones on the raised surface. In terms of composition, two-dimensional Western painting is characterized by a strong central focus and recurring themes.

An abstract type of painting, this style is the antithesis of Western painting, using mostly non-conventional subject matter and bright, sometimes dazzling colours. It uses vivid imagination and innovative methods of expression, frequently combining highly contrasting images to build dramatic effects. While abstract paintings may be based on reality, their appearance can often be attributed to the influence of the artist’s personal experiences and style. Most abstract paintings deal with deep feelings, such as grief, anger, or desire.

Oil painting, also called oil paints or acrylic paintings, use pigment in a liquid medium instead of water to transfer an image directly to a support surface. The pigments are usually prepared by applying thin layers of colour over a support that has been painstakingly prepared by hand. A common preparation technique used with oil paint is called ‘pulling’. This means that the pigment is pulled through the brush at an angle so that the pigment will stay on the support while the brush is drawn across the surface of the support. One benefit of oil paint is that it can be used on all surfaces, unlike water-based acrylics which can only be used on the painted surfaces. However, oil paint does have its disadvantages such as uneven paints, slower drying times and solvent damage to the brushes.
